
Internalising the method and essence of worship
Worship with ihsan
Worship Allah according to the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and with excellence (ihsan).
Strengthen iman through the ‘inner’ fiqh
Explore the purpose and wisdoms (‘inner fiqh’) behind ordained actions from a young age. Inspire children to taste the sweetness of iman and willingly submit to Allah.
Even fiqh can be fun!
With fun activities, stories, and nasheeds, make fiqh lessons fun.
Practical learning
Learn fiqh in a practical manner, and incorporate it into their everyday lives.

Aims & Objectives

To understand the purpose of ʿubudiyyah and the objectives of specific acts of worship
To know how to worship Allah correctly
To differentiate between halal and haram
To be inspired to worship through the virtues of deeds
To taste the sweetness of worship by understanding their inner dimensions

Fiqh Books

Quranic Tarbiyah

Love & Live the Qur’an.