Sirah & Stories

Upholding the legacy of the Prophets & the Righteous
Strengthen iman
Nurture and strengthen iman through the stories of the Prophets and Companions.
Exemplary role models
Draw timeless lessons from the best of Allah’s creation. Be inspired by their servitude to Allah and their commitment to spread His din.
The blueprint for revival
Discover what made the first generations of Islam the best of generations, and explore how they formed the best civilisation in human history.
Essential to understanding the Quran
Gain a true understanding of the Qur’an through the study of the Sirah, and discover how the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions embodied the Qur’an.

Aims & Objectives

To strengthen iman through the stories of the Prophets (ʿalayhimus-salām) and the Companions (raḍiya Allahu ʿanhum).
To instil the love of the Prophets, especially our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions
To draw practical life-lessons from their lives and adopt them as role models
To be inspired to carry forward the legacy of the Prophets: to sacrifice and serve Allah’s din.
To find honour in Islam and its incredible history

Sirah & Stories Books

  • Sirah & Stories – Level 1

    4 – 6 years
  • Sirah & Stories – Level 2

    6 – 7 years
  • Sirah & Stories – Level 3

    7 – 8 years
  • Sirah & Stories – Level 4

    8 – 9 years
  • Sirah & Stories – Level 5

    9 – 10 years
  • Sirah & Stories – Level 6

    10 – 11 years
Quranic Tarbiyah

Love & Live the Qur’an.