Adab & Akhlaq

Nurturing exemplary manners and character
Prophetic character
Nurture excellent character and behaviour through the perfect Prophetic example, and increase their love for the Prophet ﷺ.
Self-development and growth
Encourage self-development and growth through constant reflection and action. 
Strong sense of morality
Build strong moral and ethical foundations from a young age and nurture students to adopt the Qur’an and Sunnah as their moral compass.
Modern challenges
Equip your students for modern life with practical real-life scenarios and action-focused learning. Inspire in them a lifelong commitment to strive to be upright human beings who spread justice and righteousness.

Aims & Objectives

To love the Prophet ﷺ and his sunnah, and memorise his sayings
To emulate his perfect example, including his character and worship
To treat everyone around them with exemplary akhlaq, and to know how to fulfill the rights of others
To feel honour in the values of our dīn and recognise their universality and superiority
To develop personal strength and live a holistically healthy lifestyle
To remember and ask Allah as the Prophet ﷺ did
To deeply connect to Allah, by memorising the adhkar, and reflect on their meanings and virtues.

Adab & Akhlaq Books

  • Akhlaq Activity Book – Level 1

    4 – 6 years
  • Adab & Akhlaq – Level 3

    7 – 8 years
  • Adab & Akhlaq – Level 2

    6 – 7 years
  • Adab & Akhlaq – Level 4

    8 – 9 years
  • Adab & Akhlaq – Level 5

    9 – 10 years
  • Adab & Akhlaq – Level 6

    10 – 11 years
Quranic Tarbiyah

Love & Live the Qur’an.