Iman & Tazkiyah

Nurturing Iman and Ihsan
Inspire the love of Allah & His Messenger ﷺ
Inspire the deep love of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ so that worshipping Allah and obeying Him becomes a source of joy and pleasure.
Nurture iman and yaqin
In an age of confusion and doubts, build a strong foundation for learners and solidify iman in their hearts.
Ihsan & Tazkiyah
Instil the centrality of the heart and its purification from a young age, so that learners can aspire to the highest level of iman: ‘ihsan’.
Live for Allah
Guide learners to develop an Allah-centric and an akhirah-centric lens, so that they live for Him and continue with the legacy of the Prophets (ʿalayhimus-salam).

Aims & Objectives

To be strongly connected to Allah: to know Him and love Him
To love the Messenger ﷺ and to be attached to him
To develop strong iman which leads to ʿamal ṣāliḥ
To constantly strive to purify the heart from its diseases
To aspire to ihsān by focusing on the actions of the heart
To be confident in responding to common doubts and misconceptions
To be certain of the ultimate authority of the Qur’an & Sunnah

Iman & Tazkiyah Books

Quranic Tarbiyah

Love & Live the Qur’an.